7 June 2015

Concert OOTD ~ 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Hey everyone! Recently I went to see 5sos in concert (May 29th, to be exact) at the 3Arena in Dublin. I went with 3 of my friends Maria, Katie and Laura. We had an absolute amazing time so i thought I would share my experience with you and show you what I wore. Enjoy!

I saw 5sos at One Direction last year and immediately loved their music. They concert was was such a fun party vibe. I loved every minute of it! 

They're so talented and seem like such nice guys. Crazy to think they're only a few years older than me. 

I actually didn't manage to get any pictures of "Hey Violet" the supporting act but they were very good also! I really enjoyed them.

Our seats were actually quite good too to be honest. We definitely weren't close to the stage but my camera zoomed in pretty well so I managed to get a good few clear pictures. 

I thought "Amnesia" was one of the highlights because nearly everyone had their flash on so it looked amazing!
What I Wore:
I wore a comfortable outfit that was suitable for going shopping during the day but ideal for the concert which was like a big party. This was the perfect outfit as I could take off my cardigan when it got warm at the concert and had a sleeveless top on that looked dressy underneath.

Cardigan: H&M
Top: New Look
Necklace: New Look
Ripped Jeans: New Look

I would really appreciate it if you could let me know by commenting if you enjoy these kind of posts as I have a good few concerts coming up and would love to do more posts like this for them. Thanks for reading.


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