Simple is my favourite brand for skincare. I have been using it for years now, ever since I started wearing makeup which is over 3 years now. I have used others before but when it comes to removing makeup and moisturising my face, it is my favourite.
I use the "Purifying Cleansing Lotion" (far right of the picture) to remove my makeup and then put on the "Soothing Toner" (left of the picture, green bottle) after to remove any excess makeup. However, I don't use these to remove my eye makeup. I know that Simple do an eye makeup remover but I haven't got around to trying it yet.
I use the "Hydrating Moisturiser" (middle) after I have washed my face. It's really nice on the skin and is a quite a think moisturiser but it dries on the skin really quickly leaving my skin feel soft.
Simple is so inexpensive and really good for the price. I need to start using more of their products. All the Simple products has no artificial perfumes or harsh chemicals so it shouldn't cause your skin to get irritated. It has never made my skin breakout so I trust this brand very much.
When it comes to skincare, I rarely change my routine because if it works and the products react well with my skin, why change it? There isn't any point trying out other products that could make you breakout or come out in a rash if you have good skincare products. I do love to try out face masks and scrubs every now and then but for my everyday skincare routine, I tend to stick with the same products.
Everyone's skin is different. Therefore, products that I use and work well on my skin may not necessarily react the same with you. It's all just trial and error really. I know that many people like Simple and it works well with them so if you're looking for a cheap and good brand to try out then maybe give this Simple a go.
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